ERCAAN set up national housing subsidy committee
- Advocates for housing by three tiers of government
In the world today, the primary responsibility of any government is to provide security and welfare for its citizens.

This, by definition, means securing citizens from attacks either within or externally, and as well as making provision for social amenities like shelter, electricity supply roads, water to mention but a few.
A statement issued by George Obaseki Ighalo, Secretary, Estate, Rent & Commission Agents Association of Nigeria (ERCAAN) National Housing Subsidy Committee and made available to Gentechnews, read that “Rather most unfortunately, government has failed in this area especially in the area of provision of affordable houses for Nigerians as a cardinal responsibility, and most importantly, bridging the huge housing deficit amongst Nigerians and also removing constraints in the provision of credit facilities to Nigerians to own their houses.
“In view of the government failure in this respect, ERCAAN at the national level has deemed it fit to establish a committee named: ERCAAN NATIONAL HOUSING COMMITTEE, under the chairmanship of the ERCAAN President, Hon. Godwin Alenkhe, EFA, to advocate for a subsidy on housing by the three tiers of government, and to take advantage of a public and private collaboration in this regard that would bring succour to Nigerians.
“In other words, government would build and subsidise houses through government agencies like the Nigerian Mortgage Refinance Corporation, LSDPC, LBIC and private investors and then sell to Nigerians at highly subsidised prices.
“ERCAAN as an Association would now partner with these government agencies to sell these houses and collect commission. This is an ERCAAN long-term goal for a sustainable and regular income generation strategy apart from its internally generated revenue.
“Housing is critical in every economy and usually assumes crisis dimension in emerging economies where rapid urbanisation often outstrips the capacity of cities to provide new housing. Shelter is a basic necessity after food and clothing.”
He, however, stated further that ERCAAN wants to take advantage of this partnership venture to boost its revenue base and also for this write up to acquaint members of the Association of the existence of this committee as well as the benefits to be derived by the Association in its efforts in improving its revenue generation.