Online shopping ranks among measures to Limit Covid-19 spread – Jumia CEO

As authorities continue to put measures in place to prevent rapid spread of covid-19 in the light of the second wave of the pandemic emanating from mutation variants of the dreaded virus, Jumia Nigeria, Chief Executive Officer, Massiliano Spalazzi has underscored the services of ecommerce platforms as one of the measures to help mitigate the spread among Nigerians.
Spalazzi, while speaking on the crucial role and contributions of ecommerce in the present day socio-economic reality in Nigeria, said online shopping will help promote the adoption of social distancing measures and eliminate the contact risk associated with brick and mortar stores, as people can purchase different products of their choice and get them delivered from the safety of their home.
“Online shopping remains one of the ways individuals can take precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19. People are being urged to avoid large gatherings, and limit human contact as much as possible.
“Ecommerce platforms possess all these features that will help customers keep to the safety culture. From the comfort of their safety, customers can shop on the Jumia platforms, make payment through online payment solutions like JumiaPay and get them delivered via Jumia Express, or our contactless agents,” Jumia Nigeria CEO said.
He cited the crucial role played by ecommerce platforms during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown. “What we have seen last year has been how relevant and important e-commerce was in serving the population during these tough times. We’ve seen many different situations happen from the Covid-19, which obliged people to be locked down and having to purchase their goods in a safe way.
“During the first wave of the pandemic, ecommerce platforms served as a veritable channel for brands and businesses to connect with their customers. Global brands such as Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt Benkiser, Nestle, Unilever and other essential goods manufacturers partnered with Jumia for sales of their products.
“Likewise, online retail platforms were key for the survival of food and grocery enterprises when sit-in services were prohibited with customers restricted by social distancing rule.
“It was a period where more customers boarded the ecommerce food service train and several local restaurants partnered with Jumia to keep their food, beverage and grocery service going during the lockdown,” he added.