Galaxy Backbone to Launch Tier 1V Data Center
As part of efforts to boost digital infrastructure, the Galaxy Backbone (GBB) is set to launch its Tier IV Datacentre into the public and private sector space.

According to the agency, the Tier IV Datacentre is positioned to attract organisations looking at deepening their digital services at vastly reduced cost of technology infrastructure, improved efficiency and productivity.
In a statement, the agency said “The infrastructure has been specifically built to respond to the desire of its growing base of customers and stakeholders with a storage capacity of about 2.2 petabytes which translates to huge amounts of data that can be securely stored.
GBB’s responsibility to the agencies of the Federal Government of Nigeria consists of providing shared services from its ICT Infrastructure that will enhance and promote government’s digital services in a smart, secure and sustainable manner,” it added.
The agency added that the Center is built for disaster recovery, back-up and redundancy purposes to deepen Nigeria’s Digital Economy drive towards becoming one of the most recognized digital economies of the world.
Recalled that in 2020, President Muhammadu Buhari launched the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (2020 – 2030) to fast track growth in the sector.
Uptime Institute, which is the globally recognized institute for certifying data centres, has certified the Datacentre of Galaxy Backbone, having met all the criteria and guidelines for a TIER IV Datacentre.
The Tier IV Datacentre is said by expert to be a game changer for everyone across sectors of Nigeria, i.e. education, health, digital media, SMEs, government, financial services, etc. as it is set to support and encourage consistency and sustainability in generation and protection of data that will aid in transforming lives, enhancing business opportunities and promoting economic prosperity.