NCC thumbs up media, as Danbatta rolls out trajectories, achievements in Telecom industry

Executive Vice Chairman of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Prof Umar Danbatta (4th from left) flanked by Editors in Chief and Title Editors and NCC officials at Breakfast Roundtable held with the EVC NCC, Editor in Chief and Title Editors in Lagos.


The Executive Vice Chairman of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Prof Umar Danbatta, who assumed the leadership of the Commission in August 2015, now looks forward to when his second 5-year term expires in 2025 and deemed it expedient to roll out the trajectories and achievements of the Commission in the telecoms industry in Nigeria.

Accordingly, Danbatta sought to draw the media’s attention to their roles in consolidating and expanding all frontiers of Telecom and ICT infrastructure and services to accelerate national development at Breakfast Roundtable held with the EVC NCC, Editor in Chief and Title Editors in Lagos.

Danbatta said “The media remain a strategic partner of the Commission. As a central stakeholder, the media have been very supportive in the areas of timely, adequate and accurate reporting of the telecoms industry to Commission’s various stakeholders,”

In his presentation, the EVC NCC, Prof Umar Danbatta said:


When I was appointed as the Executive Vice Chairman of NCC in August 2015, Federal Government had embraced broadband as a catalyst for sustainable development.
Accordingly, the Government introduced Nigerian National Broadband Plan (NNBP) for the fiscal years 2013-2018.


In order to strategically coordinate and align resources and actions to better achieve the mandate of the Commission and facilitate the emergence     of a knowledge-based economy in Nigeria, we developed a Strategic Vision Plan (SVP) 2015 – 2020, premised on 8 pillars referred to as the 8-Point Agenda.

In developing the SVP (2015-2020), we leveraged various policy documents, which include:
1.    NNBP (2013-2018)
2. NCC’s Strategic Management Plan (SMP) 2014–2018
3. ITU’s Strategic Framework (2013-2018)

Each of the items in the 8-Point has its focus and targets.  Therefore, permit me to present to you our scorecards based on the performance results of each Agenda item under the SVP 1, which we diligently implemented from 2015-2020.

Scorecards of 8-Point Agenda (As December, 2020)

  1. Facilitate Broadband Penetration

LTE deployment

Re-planning of 800MHz CDMA

Re-farming part of 1800MHz

Administrative assignment of 700MHz

2.6GHz – 14 Slots Auctioned, MTN (6), Airtel (4) and Open Sky (2)

Broadband Penetration increased from 6% (2015) to

45.02% (Nov 2020)

Fibre Optic Transmission cables Increase from 47,000 km to over 54,725 km

Guidelines on use of TVWS for Broadband deployment

6 InFraco’s Licensed – Planned to add 38,296 Km of OFC to the Transmission

Guidelines on Commercial Satellite Communications

7 VSAT Gateway Earth Stations Licensed to provide

Broadband capacity – MTN (3), Main One (2) & Viasat (2)

3G & 4G BTS increased from less than 30,000 to over 53,460

  1. Improve Quality of Service

Developed and commenced monitoring of 3G, 4G and CSP QoS KPIs

Fibre Optic cables increased from 47,000Km to 54,725Km

Assessment of likely QoS impact on Adverts and Promotions

3G & 4G BTS increased to 53,460 from below 30,000

Acquisition of new QoS monitoring tools

Ongoing collaboration with FMWH on RoW

Deployment of QoS monitoring tools

Clusters of Access gap reduced from 207 – 114 covering (33.7M – 31.16M(2019)

  1. Optimize Usage & Benefit of Spectrum

Spectrum Re-farming; Auctions- Spectrum Fees N144.31Bn N248.399Bn (Fed Account)53 Permits to Geo Stationary (GSO) Satellites; 923 to Non GSOs.

Development of Licensing Framework For Emerging Technologies Enabled License exempt use of 60GHz

Opening of New Millimeter Wave Spectrum (mmW) in 70/80GHz

Re-channelization of 18/23GHz Microwave spectrum to cater for large bandwidth

Ensuring that 26GHz, 34-36GHz is un-encumbered

Preparatory for 5G

Remittance of Spectrum Fees into the CRF from 2015  to date

Published Spectrum Trading Guidelines

Permission for MTN to utilize Visaphone Spectrum for LTE

National Roaming Draft Guidelines & Trials approval has been granted

Deployment of spectrum monitoring tools –

Spectrum Analyzers, Fixed and Mobile Monitoring Systems

  1. Promote ICT Innovation & Investment Opportunities

Use of mandatory Corporate Code of Governance in the Telecom Industry

Telecoms contributions to GDP grew from 8.5% (Q4 2015) to 14.3% Q2 2020

Enabled trials for 5G network test

(1st in Sub-Saharan Africa)

Undertaken Mediations & Obtained Waivers

Organized various Hackathons & Competitions

Various efforts targeted at reducing RoW, Multiple Taxation & illegal charges

Numerous Grants & Subsidies Expended through USPF & NCC Projects

Funded Telecom Research & instituted Professorial Chairs

  1. Facilitate Strategic Collaboration and Partnership

Engagements with the NGF that resulted in reduced RoW

Dispute Resolution

47 BTSs Unsealed in Ogun State

N221m RoW charges waved for MTN in Kano

More than 15 BTSs unsealed in Kogi State

Various efforts with other regulators such as Swedish Post & Telecom

Collaboration with NBC that facilitated the use of 700MHz spectrum for LTE
Collaboration with CBN & NDIC on FINTECH & Mobile Money

Granted permission for MNOs

To be licensed by CBN as Payment Service Banks

Ongoing engagements with ITU/ CTO/ WATRA/ ATU/GSMA etc.

Collaboration and MoU with Law Enforcement and Security and other Government Agencies

Collaboration with NBC that facilitated the use of MMDS spectrum for LTE– (2.7058B paid as compensation)

  1. Protect & Empower Consumers

Consumer Empowerment

DND (2442)


Toll free line (622)

Consumer Education Programmes:

Telecom Consumer Parliament – 89 Editions

Consumer Outreach Programme – 110 Editions

Consumer Town Hall Meetings in Local Languages) – 53 Editions

Establishment of:

Consumer Web Portal


Consumer Twitter Account @Consumersncc

Consumer Protection

Direction on Data Roll Over

Direction on Forceful Subscription

Direction on Do Not Disturb Service

Direction on Suspension of SIM registration

Publication of the Consumer Code of Practice

Ensuring smooth transition of Etisalat to 9Mobile

Introduction and enforcement of MNP

DND/Data Rollover/SMS Reduction/112 Emergency Toll free/24 EECs

  1. Promote Fair Competition & Inclusive Growth

Statistics – Nov. 2020

Tele-density – 108.92%

Active Telephony Subscribers -207,907, 709

Active Internet Subscriptions – 154,878.203

Broadband Penetration – 45.04%

Implementation of Accounting

Separation Framework

Approval and monitoring of the

Acquisition of Visafone by MTN

Facilitation of Mobile Money

Activities of MNOs

Engagement with States, NGF, and other Agencies on Telecom issues e.g., RoW, Taxation etc.
Establishment of various Committees

To study unfair practices in the industry

Continuous publications of market share to highlight competition

  1. Regulatory Excellence & Operational Efficiency

Remittances (2015 – 2020)

Spectrum Fees – N144.312B

Operating Surplus – N248.339B

Enforcement of Code of Corporate Governance

Leadership role of the Commission in ITU study Groups

& other fora’s e.g. CTO, WATRA

Trainings, Workshops & Conference participation by Staff & Mgt.

Listing of MTN on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) to empower consumers in telecom ownership

Issuance of various Subsidiary Legislations

Listing of MTN on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) to empower consumers in telecom ownership

Implementation of Executive Order 001(EO001).

Service delivery timelines are published on the Commission website

Development of new and review of existing regulatory frameworks.

Creation of 7 Internal Policies and Standard Operating Procedures for each department.

Remarkable improvement in Staff Welfare, Promotions etc.

Increased telecoms contribution to GDP from 8.5% in 2015 to 12.45% in Q4, 2022


Meeting and surpassing the 30% Broadband Penetration by December 2018. We achieved 31.48%.


A new Strategic Vision Implementation Plan (SVP 2), 2021–2025, also dubbed “The 5-Point Agenda” was unveiled on September 7, 2021.

Like its predecessors, a number of factors and policy statements were considered in developing the 5-Point Agenda

The 5 Pillars of SVP I

  1. Organizational Renewal for Operational Efficiency and Regulatory Excellence
  2. Facilitating the Provision of Infrastructure for a Digital Economy which fosters National Development
  3. Promoting Fair Competition, Inclusive Growth, Increased investment and Innovative Services
  4. Improving Quality of Service (QoS) for Enhanced Consumer Quality of Experience (QoE)
  5. Facilitating Strategic Collaboration and Partnership.

Organizational Renewal for Operational Efficiency and Regulatory Excellence

  • Auction/Launch of 5G services: US$820.8M to FG and Revenue Assurance Solution (RAS)
  • Development of new and review of existing regulatory frameworks for effective regulation of the industry
  • Increased Telecom contribution to the GDP. Industry recorded 14.13% contribution in the Q1 of 2023 valued at N2.508tr.
  • Regular compliance monitoring and enforcement activities to tackle anticompetitive practices.
  • Aligning regulatory initiatives with the National Digital Economy Policy & Strategy (NDEPS) 2020-2030.
  • Issuing 26 Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MNVO) Licences.
  • Improvement on Internal Policies implementation and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to improve internal processes.
  • Leadership role at International telecoms bodies (Nigeria’s reelection as ITU Council Member in 2022; providing leadership at the level of CTO, ATU and WATRA
  • Staff Up-skilling and digital skill development for Nigerian youth (Capacity building across geo-political zones)
  • Opening up spectrum bands (i.e., the 60 GHz V-band and 70/80GHz E-band)

Facilitating the Provision of Infrastructure for a Digital Economy which fosters National Development

  • Innovative regulatory elements designed to improve digital infrastructure deployment in Nigeria.
  • Driving the implementation of Nigerian National Broadband Plan 2020 – 2025 was launched on the 10th March 2020. Target is to achieve 70% broadband penetration by end of 2025.
  • Broadband Penetration 2023 Q1 (91.8M Subs – 48.14% (NNBP 2025 Target:70%)
  • Support the deployment of optic fibre cable using the infrastructure company (InfraCo) Project under the Open Access Model: 38,000Km fibre being deployed under InfraCo Initiative.
  • Licensing of Elon Musk’s Starlink to provide wider service coverage across the country, towards a more accessible, available and affordable broadband services in Nigeria.
  • Provision of Wireless Cloud Infrastructure in 219 tertiary institution and issuing of landing permits to 52 Satellite Operators
  • Licensing 3.5Ghz spectrum licences to 3 operators (MTN, MAFAB & Airtel) to deploy 5G network, generating over $820.8 million (About N378 billion).
  • 5G services available in different locations in 12 states of the Federation with over 60,000 subscriptions so far.
  • Construction/Activation of 27 functional Emergency Communications Centre (ECCs). More than 7 of these upgraded to IP-based platform. Four (4) to be added before end of July, 2023.
  • Expansion of Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN) Routes (provided interconnectivity and internet capacity between 5 Data Centres of the IXPN, located in Abuja, Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt, and Enugu.)
  • Boost in Offshore Broadband Capacity to 50.74 TB:

Promoting Fair Competition, Inclusive Growth, Increased investment and Innovative Services

  • Leveraging global ICT conferences (i.e. ITU Digital World, GITEX, LEAP Tech Conference in Riyadh in 2021 & 2022, Saudi Arabia, Mobile World Congress etc.) to woo investors into Nigeria’s telecom sector.
  • Investment profile US$75 Bn (From US$38Bn in 2015)
  • Regular consumer outreach programmes – NCC’s Consume Conversation Initiatives; Telecom Consumer Parliament etc.
  • Reduction in RoW cost and ongoing collaborations with the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF).
  • More Spectrum Opened/ 26 MVNOs Licensed

Implementation of 100% last-mile connectivity to tertiary institutions in Nigeria

  • Over N600m spent Telecoms Research, Professorial Chairs and MSMEs initiatives (i.e 7 professorial chairs endowed different universities
  • Addressing issue of multiple taxations and multiple regulations in the industry
  • Building Digital Parks across the six geo-political zones of the country.
  • Digital capacity, literacy & entrepreneurship training for youths across the country
  • Involvement of young people in indigenous telecom innovation (Over 165 indigenous Tech and start-ups have been provided with support via the Commission’s ICT Innovation and Competition events/Hackathon initiatives.)
  • Q1 2023 GDP 14.13% (N2.508Bn – (NBS)
  • Provided sponsorship for young local innovators to ITU Telecom Worlds in Thailand & South Korea
  • Though NODITS, the Commission is promoting local innovations through the Nigerian Telecom Indigenous Content Expo (NTICE 2022 – The Maiden Edition) August 2022, among others.

Improving Quality of Service (QoS) for Enhanced Consumer Quality of Experience (QoE)

  • Reduction of Access gaps to 97, making more consumers have access to telecoms services
  • Approved harmonised short codes (HSC) for providing certain services to telecom consumers in Nigeria effective from May 17, 2023
  • Regular Consumer Outreach Programmes (i.e., NCC Consumer Conversation Initiatives; TCP, and so on.)
  • Enforcement of various consumer-centric Directions aimed at protecting the consumers.
  • Finalising activities on the implementation of Device Management System (DMS).
  • Developing Initiatives with Industry Stakeholders through ICAF to address cases of Electronic Frauds.
  • Promoting Infrastructure Sharing framework among telecom operators
  • Ongoing review of consumer-centric regulations – Draft Regulations on Competition Practices; Quality of Service Regulations; Corporate Code of Governance; Data Protection Guidelines; Commercial Satellite Guidelines and Numbering Plan Regulations, among others
  • Established Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) to protect the consumers.
  • Regular Monitoring Quality of Service (QoS) KPIs on mobile networks.
  • Monitoring implementation of DND, Toll-Free Number 622; Emergency Number 112
  • MVNO Licence issuance to address issue of unserved and underserved areas in the country.

Facilitating Strategic Collaboration and Partnership

Increase Collaboration with different organizations on various levels with a view to achieving the mandates of the Commission. These include:










MEDIA, so on

Industry Statistics at a Glance (As of May 2023)

221.3m- Active voice subscriptions

115.91%- Teledensity

159.6m- Active Internet Subscriptions

48.28%- Broadband Penetration

92.2m- Broadband Subscriptions

14.13%- Telecom GDP contribution by Q1 2023.


In spite of the ongoing implementation of the 5-Point Agenda and other policy documents, the following critical challenges bedeviling the industry have major impact/effect on the telecommunications services provision and the Commission is working with stakeholders to address them:

  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Multiple Taxation and Regulations
  • Right of Way (RoW) issues
  • Power Supply
  • Damage to telecommunications Infrastructure during road construction
  • Vandalism
  • Insecurity


The telecom environment requires a regulatory climate that is predictable, innovative, dynamic, and visionary, to be able to meet, and even surpass the demands of the current economic, social, and environmental demands of all stakeholders, especially with regards to availability, accessibility and affordability.

The Commission, the EVC NCC said is committed to strengthening collaboration with the media as an important stakeholder towards achieving the digital economy targets of the Federal Government.

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