NIBSS Asks Banks to Suspend Opay, Flutterwave, Others from Transfer List

Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) has asked banks to delist Payment Solution Service Providers (PSSPs) Switches and Super Agents from its outward payment or transfer list.

Payment Solution Service Providers licence is an important licence within the Nigerian payment systems which enables the provision of financial services such as the operation of payment processing gateway and portals which is utilized by merchants to accept debit or credit card purchases from customers.

The NIBSS disclosed this in a recent circular dated December 5, 2023, with Ref: NIBSS/BD/NI/PO/005/051223 to banks.

The country’s payment system explained that listing non-deposit-taking financial institutions as beneficiaries contravenes the Central Bank of Nigeria guideline on electronic payment.

The circular read, “This is to bring to your attention that listing non-deposit-taking financial institutions such as Switching Companies, Payment Solution Service Providers, and Super Agents as beneficiary institutions on your NIP funds transfer channels contravenes the CBN Guidelines on Electronic Payment of Salaries, Pensions, Suppliers, and Taxes in Nigeria dated February 2014.”

It stressed that while switches, PSSPs, and SAs may process outward transfers as inflows to banks, they “are not to receive inflows as their licences do not permit them to hold customers’ funds.”

NIBSS added, “Another regulatory advice in this regard is the circular with the caption ‘Permissible Services and Products of PSSP Operation in Nigeria’, Ref: BPD/DIR/GEN/CIR/05/004 dated May 11, 2018. Consequent on the above, kindly delist all Switches, PSSPs, and SAs from your NIP Outward Transfer channels only (not inwards).”

To operate in Nigeria’s payment ecosystem, operators must get at least one of the following licences from the CBN: Switching and Processing, Mobile Money Operations, Payment Solution Services, and Regulatory Sandbox.

According to CBN regulations in December 2020, only MMOs with a minimum of N2 billion capital share can hold customer funds.

Here are the list



  1. Appzone Limited
  2. Arca Payments Company Limited
  3. Chamswitch Limited
  4. Coralpay Technology Nigeria Limited
  5. eTranzact International Limited
  6. Flutterwave Technology Solutions Limited
  7. Habaripay Limited
  8. Hydrogen Payment Services Limited
  9. Interswitch Limited
  10. Network International
  11. Paystack Payment Limited
  12. Remita Payment Service Limited
  13. Teamapt Limited
  14. Terra Switching & Processing Company Limited
  15. Unified Payment Services Limited
  16. Xpress Payments Solution Limited



  1. Afara Partners Limited
  2. Angala Financial Technologies Limited
  3. Appmart Integrated Limited
  4. Appzone Limited
  5. Artha Fintech Limited
  6. Betastack Technology Limited
  7. Bud Infrastructure Limited
  8. Callphone Limited
  9. Capricorn Digital Limited
  10. CBI Technologies Ltd
  11. Cellulant Nigeria Limited
  12. Centric Gateway Limited
  13. Ceviant Payments Nigeria Limited
  14. Clane Company Nig. Ltd.
  15. Cyberspace Limited
  16. Demerge Nigeria Limited
  17. Dot Financial Inclusion Technologies Limited
  18. Easypay International Limited
  19. Egole Pay Limited
  20. Ercas Integrated Solutions Limited
  21. E-Settlement Limited
  22. Eyowo Integrated Payments Limited
  23. Fincra Technologies Limited
  24. Flutterwave Technology Solutions Limited
  25. Fountain Payment Systems Solution
  26. Gemspay Limited
  27. Global Accelerex Limited
  28. Gpay Instant Solution Limited
  29. GTP Client Services Limited
  30. Hellopay Africa Integrated Service Ltd.

31     ICAD Concord Limited

32     Infiniti Segments Limited

  1. Irecharge Technology Innovations Limited
  2. Irofit Technologies LimitedD
  3. Itex Integrated Services Limited
  4. Konetpay Nigeria Limited
  5. Kora Payments
  6. Leadremit Limited
  7. Moneta Technology Ltd
  8. Multigate Payment Limited
  9. Netapps Technologies Limited
  10. Netplusdotcom Nigeria Limited
  11. Nomba Financial Services Limited (Formerly Cosmic Intelligence Lab Limited)
  12. One Payment Limited
  13. Onepipe.Io Services Ltd
  14. Parkway Projects Limited
  15. Payfixy Nigeria Limited (Formerly Innovate 1 Pay Limited)
  16. Paylode Services Limited
  17. Paysure Technologies Limited
  18. Payu Payments Nigeria Limited
  19. Pethahiah Rehoboth International Limited
  20. Prophius Limited
  21. Qrios Networks Limited
  22. Redtech Limited
  23. Resident Fintech Limited
  24. Rexel Limited
  25. Routepay Fintech Limited
  26. Saanapay Corporate Investments Management Limited (SAANACORP)
  27. Shago Payments Ltd
  28. Simplify International Synergy Limited
  29. Soft Alliance & Resources Limited
  30. Spay Business Solutions Limited
  31. Spout Payment Solutions
  32. Stanbic Financial Services Limited
  33. Swift Link-NZ Global Services Ltd.
  34. Teinnovate Capital Limited
  35. Unlimint Nigeria Ltd
  36. Upperlink Limited
  37. Vas2net Technologies Ltd
  38. Venture Garden Nigeria Limited
  39. Vestrapay Nigeria Limited
  40. Voguepay Web Solution Limited
  41. Waxed Mobile Nigeria Ltd
  42. Waya Multilinks Technologies Limited
  43. Woven Finance Limited



  1. 3Line Card Management
  2. 5554 Technologies Limited
  3. Accelerex Networks Limited
  4. Africa Mama Atm Limited
  5. Africave Technologies Limited
  6. Airtel Mobile Commerce Nigeria Limited (Airtel)
  7. Allstream Information Technology Solutions Limited
  8. Angala Financial Technologies Limited
  9. Appmart Integrated Limited
  10. ATN Wayya Limited
  11. Betastack Technology Limited
  12. C24 Limited
  13. Callphone Limited
  14. Capricorn Digital Limited
  15. CBI Technologies Ltd

16     Cicoserve Payments Limited

  1. Citiserve Limited
  2. Clane Company Nig. Ltd.
  3. Connectpoint Technology Solutions Limited.
  4. Crowd Force Limited (Formerly Mobile Forms Limited).
  5. Dot Financial Inclusion Technologies Limited.
  6. Egole Pay Limited.
  7. Errand P Limited.
  8. E-Settlement Limited.
  9. Fountain Payment Systems Solution.
  10. Fucil Datatech Limited.
  11. Gwills Payments Service Limited.
  12. Infibranches Technology Limited.
  13. Innovectives Limited.
  14. Interswitch Financial Inclusion Services Limited.
  15. Irofit Technologies Limited.
  16. Itex Integrated Services Limited.
  17. Kadick Integrated Limited.
  18. Lukeport Nigeria Limited.
  19. Microsystems Investment And Development Limited.
  20. Moneymaster Limited.
  21. Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) .
  22. Nomba Financial Services Limited (Formerly Cosmic Intelligence Lab Limited)
  23. Paycluster Technology Limited.
  24. Paygo Limited.
  25. Shago Payments Ltd.
  26. Spout Payment Solutions.
  27. Swift Link-Nz Global Services Ltd..
  28. Traction Payments Ltd..
  29. Vatebra Pay Limited..
  30. Waxed Mobile Nigeria Ltd..
  31. Y’ello Digital Financial Services..
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