Go Beyond Banking, Do Everything and More with the AccessMore app

The last time a family member of mine booked a plane ticket they had to go to the airport to do it. Imagine if you could book international flights from the comfort of your hands.

Imagine being able to send money to someone in the UK from your Nigerian account directly into their UK account or even converting dollars to naira easily on your bank app. These features and more are what Access Bank is offering through the newly launched Access More app.

Beyond just banking

AccessMore is a state-of-the-art, mobile banking application offering a wide range of financial solutions, tailored and personalized services, and excellent customer experience.

With five million downloads and counting, the Access More app is more than just a banking app, it is tailored to fit around customer lifestyle needs and is packed full of essential banking features to improve the lives of its users.

With growing internet access on the African continent and a large youth population, many individuals are seeking better financial options and a large percentage of people would like more tailored and globally useful banking products.

With Access More, Access Bank has set out to offer its customers the efficiency of modern banking from the convenience of their phones.

Some of the standout features on the app include;

Better account management

On this app, customers get instant and direct access to their account officer.  This gives customers a direct line to resolve whatever issues they may encounter. You can rate your account officer and change them if you want. Traditional banking services are also more accessible through this app. Users can perform regular banking functions and also get e-reference letters and request account statements.


This is one feature that customers will be delighted to explore on this app. The AccessAfrica feature of the Access More app allows users to make foreign currency transactions seamlessly.

Customers can make transfers from their Access account directly to a foreign bank account in either local currency or the US dollar.

They can also convert their FX to naira on the app effortlessly, create e-naira wallets, or add existing wallets. Intra-bank and Inter-bank transfers and transactions are also faster and easier on this app.

More Payment options

AccessMore has made sending and receiving payments better by giving users multiple methods to do this

With AccessMore you can;

Generate personal QR codes to send and receive payments.

Send and receive money via bluetooth with nearby devices.

Pay using Breezepay.

Make cardless withdrawals at ATMs.

Send split payments to multiple recipients in one transaction. (Split payment is more of sharing payment among multiple payers to one beneficiary, more like splitting payment like t-fare, or restaurant/food bill among friends)

All these payment features make it easier for business owners and individuals to perform the most essential banking transactions and it also creates better payment avenues for them.

One other very interesting feature on the app is the gift cards (e-voucher). Electronic voucher market has seen a steady growth in Nigeria, on Access more, you can get a gift card for Amazon, Apple, Primark, Airbnb, Express, Tripgift and many more

Bill payment

With this app, paying bills is better, more convenient, and more reliable. You can buy data and airtime both locally and internationally on this app. One notable feature of paying bills on this app is the tuition payment feature.

Currently, students in Nigeria can pay school fees on the app and students of Cranfield University in the UK also have access to this feature.

Users can pay all types of utility bills directly from this app which also includes religious bills, like tithe and other payments to religious bodies. It also includes transport tolls and customs duties, making it easier to conduct both public and private business efficiently.


Users with active loans or who have requested a loan can view their loan status on the app. Access Bank offers salary advance loans, and also personal and business loan options with competitive interest rates and quick processing times.


All types of cards are accessible through this app. You can request for a credit, debit, or virtual card. (You can also activate or block your card on the app) Users can also manage their cheques on this app including requesting for, stopping, or confirming a cheque.

Additional features on this app include being able to make payment for leisure activities like event tickets and betting. You can plan your life better with access to quick and easy insurance, pension payments, group contributions on e-susu, and more.

Customers can also comfortably make fixed investments on their accounts through this app. (You can buy and sell shares on the app and also manage your stock potifolio) Overall, the banking features on this app make an improved financial lifestyle more accessible to Access Bank customers.

Access Bank is known for its diverse financial options tailored to meet the varied needs of its customers. This AccessMore app is its way of continuing to leave up to this goal. Access More packs a multitude of essential features into a user-friendly and highly secure mobile app. All these features provide more financial accessibility and security to Nigerians.

The Access More app is available for download on the Android PlayStore and iOS Store. For more information on Access Bank and its Access More products, contact the bank here.


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