Nigeria Computing Development Ecosystem And the Arrogance of Knowledge

By Chris Uwaje.

This writeup was compelled after drinking from the wealth of distinguished knowledge from the stable of the following enigmatic researchers. They are:
a.Arrogance of Knowledge” by Richard E. Nisbett
- “Intellectual Humility” by Ian James Kidd
- “The Knowledge Illusion” by Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach
- Harvard Business Review: “The Dangers of Confidence”
- Forbes: “The Importance of Humility in Leadership”
Indeed, the dangers of confidence when throughly analyzed in the context of the Nigerian IT transformation ecosystem, can be classified as blindfolded illusions in multiple layers of her development trajectory and significant existence!
Meanwhile, in the final analysis, one struggles to accord a passmark to the players of the profession amidst the extraordinary golden opportunities presented to her at the moment of her birth and emergence.
For the past 3 decades, the Nigeria Computing ecosystem has undoubtedly contributed to the body of knowledge development and growth of digital transformation in Nigeria and indeed, all around Africa and indirectly to the world.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to interrogate and review the claims or otherwise success story of the IT Profession and Industry, against the variables that drive the ecosystem, I was compelled to examine the following context:
- The impĺied deficiences of the arrogance of knowledge and limitations of its benefits for sustainable development.
- The damaging impact of its chronic developmental attitude in a nation – such as Nigeria – amongst others.
In other words: Can the arrogance of Knowledge become a barrier and limiting factor to Professional competence, accelerated development and sustainable goals?
To convincingly interrogate and present empirical references and best practices to justify the outcome and advance the position of the author, the following supporting documents were sighed as for consultations:
a.The Arrogance of Knowledge” by Richard E. Nisbett
- “Intellectual Humility” by Ian James Kidd
- “The Knowledge Illusion” by Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach
- Harvard Business Review: “The Dangers of Confidence”
- Forbes: “The Importance of Humility in Leadership”
Before I am arrogantly misinterpreted and constructively misunderstood, I invite readers to note that: ‘I come in peace.’
Without any fear of contradiction or an iota of ambiguity, I wish to state and emphasise that the body of distilled knowledge in the configuration of human existnce is not exclusive to any individual or gangs of/in a given society.
And indeed exclusive is not gifted to a singular professional entity or congregation. This is informed by the revelations that knowledge represents the complex intersections across the body of cognitive wisdom.
No doubt, across all professional settings, knowledge and expertise are highly valued. Collectively they are the common currency to navigate the deep waters of design-thinking and actionable innovation. This is why specific domain knowledge should not be viewed as an exclusive mechanism.
Indeed, when inclusively shared, knowledge is classified as priceless and generates overwhelming positive multiplier effects across the universe.
Meanwhile, an overestimation of one’s or a particular group’s knowledge in a partnership setting can lead to blindfolded arrogance, hindering growth and stagnating development at many significantl evels.
Simply defined, arrogance of knowledge refers to an excessive confidence in one’s or an organisation partner’s expertise in all domans of the profession, organisational structure and governace value-chains of a professional body.
This tendency creates a concentrated illusionary assumption and misquided direction of the desired vision, mission and objectives of the organisation. The
resultant effect, is the creation of little oceans of negativity that grossly hinder and drowns professional conduct, development strategies and growth.
The hallmark of such illusionary knowledge assumptions are, but not limited to the followings:
- Toxic, overzealous and covetly organised individualism packaged in
overestimation of domain knowledge expertise and capabilities in a particular domain of knowledge. This phenomenon is propelled by supersonic speed that beclouds verifiable achievements. Furthermore it negates the objectives and attainment of the cherished goals of ‘innovation for all’.
- It also retards the speedy attainment of the benefits of enhanced global digital transformation ecosystem.
- By fostering excessive divisional ideologies, it spurs total neglect and disregard for other people’s view, partner’s ideas and opinions
- Its fearsome resistance to change and submission to tested and empirical new research findings negates the aims of and objectives of global digital information systems.
- Adoption and preference to boldfaced strategies aimed to cover lack of self-awareness in the occurrence and appreance of new body of knowledge.
- Incredible deficiences in the inability to refocus and adapt to tested and proven new directions.
The backlash of the conditional
consequences of the hallmark of knowledge arrogance through applied intimidation tactics include but not limited to the followings:
- Recycling stunted professional growth – leading to outdated concepts that revolves in perpetual cycles of redundancy overshadowed by self claims.
- Overwhelming decision-making processes that multiplies stagnation and adoration of self, rather than promotion of collective wisdom that spurs innovation.
- Breakdown of effective teamwork driven by covert conditionalities.
- Celebration of unverifeable success stories that beclouds opportunities for impactful innovation.
- Resulting into significant diminishing returns leading to decreased credibility in measurable professional achievement.
- Misguided vision where overflowing College Gowns overshadow recognition of distinguished badge of creative innovation and honour.
- Abandonment of disruptive discoveries which are timely required to supercharge the profession, enthron expertise.
- And the acceleration of controversy as a culture of desired leadership designed to perpetuate domain control.
Readers of this submission are invited to note that the perspectives and
positions expressed in the interrogation of this document does by no means attempt to, nor focused on diminishing the enviable attainment of founders, vision-bearers and champions of the Profession whose past-performances in uplifting the best practices of the profession are laudable and recognised.
Rather, it is to explore the causes of the current degradation of the profession in the face of intertwined volumes of oppotunities and self-inflicted endemic challenges, and therefore, a call for action.
Indeed it represents an urgent call to action to redeem the image of the profession. Some of the noticeable csuses include but are not limited to the followings:
a.bias thinking, elusive and harmful covert attitude that halts the progression of innovation.
- Discouraging the principle of laws of opposites and/or lack of diverse perspectives
- Mismatched strategies which adors overemphasis on individual achievements rather than collective effort.
- Mechanisation of unchecked ego and promotion of offensive myopia.
The following are some alarming Symptoms of Professional Arrogance
- Dismissive behavior
- Overuse of unverifeable jargon
- Failure to listen actively to others
- Defensive attitudes to Superior knowledge
- Inability to admit mistakes
Metrics for Quantitative Analysis
Arrogance Metric and Impacts : The missing Links: The followings are the worrisome missing links:
Membership inclusivity -25%
Team collaboration -30%
Innovation rate -20%
Decision accuracy -15%
Leadership effectiveness -10%
Missing Links:Qualitative Analysis
Communication Vacuum:
Poor listening skills, dismissive tone
Team dynamics on Lack of trust, leading to resentment
Problem-solving: Inflexibility, failure to consider alternatives
Adaptability of Resistance to change, inability to pivot effective model
Leadership by authoritarian tactics of non-consultative.
Way Forward: Mitigation Strategies
- Encourage diverse perspectives
- Foster trustworthiness through
open and Merit-first communication
- Implement regular feedback mechanisms
- Promote membership self-awareness and reflection
- Promote and develop emotional intelligence
- Prioritize and Rotate leadership roles
- Provide training on cognitive biases
- Reward collaboration and teamwork
Interrogating Best Practices
- Recognize knowledge limitations
- Seek supirior mentorship
- Engage in continuous learning
- Practice humility and empathy
- Encourage constructive criticism
Conclusion and way forward:
The arrogance of knowledge can severely hinder professional development. Recognizing its symptoms and addressing its causes can help organizations foster a culture of humility, collaboration and continuous growth.
- Conduct regular self-assessments
- Seek 360-degree feedback
- Attend workshops on emotional intelligence
- Join diverse professional networks
- Prioritize teamwork and collaboration