College Provost, Commends FMWH for another Intervention
- says College’s Staff quarters built by FMW in 1974

Provost of the Federal College of Education, Pankshin, Plateau State, Dr A.B Cirfat has commended the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing for yet another intervention in the College.

The Provost spoke during the formal handing over of the 1.04 km internal road rehabilitated by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing in the Federal College of Education, Pankshin.
Dr Cirfat revealed that it was the same Federal Ministry of Works and Housing that built the College’s Staff quarters in 1974 when the College was established.
“The major intervention when the College was established in 1974 was by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing that built the Staff quarters. The buildings still carry the inscriptions of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, ” he said
In his hand over address, Works and Housing Minister, Babatunde Fashola stated that, the importance of infrastructure to the learning environment and quality of education can not be underestimated, hence the Federal Government has remained committed to bridging the infrastructure gaps in the country, including those of institutions of learning.
He said “It is undebatable that the quality of education will be impacted by the quality of infrastructure and the learning environment”
Fashola was represented at the occasion by the Federal Controller of Works in Plateau State, Engr Usman Abubakar.
Accordingly, the Minister explained that the government was steadily bridging the infrastructure gap by a gradual process of repairs, renewal and construction on major highways, which had now reached the schools.
He revealed that the Federal government has provided 83 internal road intervention projects in various Federal tertiary institutions across the country and the completed ones were being handed over now, of which FCE Pankshin is among.
The road projects, according to Fashola, benefited not only the students and the institution’s community but also provided jobs for youths, stating that 34 people were employed in the process of the rehabilitation of the road in the FCE Pankshin.
The College Provost who was represented by Deputy Provost, Dr (Mrs) Christiana Zumyil appreciated the Ministry of Works and Housing for always remembering the College, saying that the entire College Community was excited with the project.
“The entire College staff and students are grateful to the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. We appreciate the Ministry for always remembering the College by coming to our aid whenever we needed it” he said
Dr Cirfat said that the rehabilitated road has now given the College a new good look, urging the Ministry to still come to the aid of the College by building shoulders of the main road across the main gate in order to stop further damage of the road during the raining season.
In his remarks, the College Director of Works, Arc Miri Gofer commended the speed with which the rehabilitation work was carried out, saying that the work has really eased traffic in the college.
He also commended the first major intervention, building of staff quarters by the federal Ministry of Works when the College was established in 1974, urging that the remaining internal roads in the college would also be considered in the next intervention
Master Betfa Innocent, an NCE 2 Student of Business Education described the road intervention in the College as face saving for the College Community, saying that movement in and out was now much easier.
Master Innocent thanked the federal government and the Minister of Works for such great concern and action in the College.
The 1.04 km road in the FCE Pankshin links the Academic area in the College with the administrative block , Convocation square, staff quarters and students hostel.