Elev8, Microsoft ATO Offer Free Software Development Training Programme

Elev8 Education, a global digital skilling and transformative education partner, has launched the Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 of the Software Development training programme sponsored by Microsoft ATO (Africa Transformation Office).

The elev8-Microsoft software development programme invests in professional software development training through a robust skilling program aimed at key industries and profiles across Nigeria.

Following the call for application, 50 applicants made it into Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 of the 58-day free virtual training programme, which currently targets non-employed learners in Nigeria. Due to the high demand for the programme, the companies will offer 75 more free training spots in the following weeks.

Digital technologies have emerged as a significant factor of economic growth, security, and global competitiveness. The digital economy has a substantial impact on the worldwide trajectory and the socioeconomic well-being of average citizens.

“It affects everything from resource allocation to income distribution and growth. It is accompanied by the ongoing digitalization of data, demand for new apps on various devices, and a demand for additional software developers.

“Following the law of demand and supply, the demand for software engineering is quite high, resulting in a supply deficit which needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency to maintain equilibrium,” said Elemi Ani, elev8 Global Head of Design and Digital Transformation, at the launch.

“This partnership between Microsoft and elev8 to execute this skilling program will positively affect the youth in Nigeria.

“The successful candidates will gain the skills that will give them an advantage in the labor market. We want the participants to become employable and make a meaningful impact in the organizations they work in.

“The goal is to ensure that they acquire the right skills to make them globally competitive. ”Elemi Ani added . “As a result, we carefully chose the most outstanding trainers in the industry, reviewed the content, and ensured that we were offering the relevant course work to accomplish this goal.”

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