FG November Bonds Oversubscribed by N117.15bn – DMO

The Federal Government’s bonds for November worth N150bn, which were auctioned on November 17, were oversubscribed by N117.15bn, according to the Debt Management Office.

The DMO said the total subscription received from investors was N267.15bn, with only one of the bonds undersubscribed.

It said subscription of N50.75bn was received for the 12.50 per cent FGN January 2026 bonds; N46.69bn for the 16.2499 per cent FGN April 2037 bonds, which was undersubscribed; and N169.71bn for the 12.98 per cent FGN March 2050 bonds, which recorded the highest subscription.

The debt office said a total of N225.25bn was allotted, comprising N37.15bn, N32.19bn, and N155.91bn.

It said, “Successful bids for the 12.50 per cent FGN January 2026, 16.2499 per cent FGN April 2037 and 12.9800 per cent FGN March 2050 were allotted at the marginal rates of 11.6500 per cent, 12.9500 per cent and 13.3000 per cent, respectively.

“However, the original coupon rates of 12.5000 per cent for the 12.5000 per cent FGN January 2026, 16.2499 per cent for the 16.2499 per cent FGN April 2037 and 12.9800 per cent for the 12.9800 per cent FGN March 2050 will be maintained.”

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