Maryland Mall developers changes name to Purple Maryland

The Purple Group, developers of Maryland Mall, has announced change of the name of Maryland Mall to Purple Maryland.

According to a statement issued by the group, the developers unveiled the new identity of the mixed-use mall.
According to a statement from the company, the four-year-old retail and entertainment centre in Lagos is its retail subsidiary and plays host to a mix of local and international brands.
The group also revealed that it had concluded preparations to launch an e-commerce site, alongside an online media content channel dedicated to promoting all its brands and partners.
According to the firm, the e-commerce site would be a full-service e-commerce platform leveraging the group’s retail base online and helping the stores and businesses in its centres reach more customers through online channels.
According to the statement “Contents generated and featured on the platform will be a combination of lifestyle, news and entertainment to suit the nature of businesses present in the centres and the interests of target audience across all Purple products”.