NCAA, NiMet Warn Pilots, Airline Operators Over Hazardous Weather

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), have warned against hazards of dry weather, as well as cautioned pilots and airline operators on the effects of the weather.

In a statement signed by the NiMet General Manager, Public Relations, Muntari Yusuf Ibrahim, the Agency warned against the possibility of deteriorating horizontal visibility due to thick dust haze propagated into the country from the source region in Niger Republic.

NiMet also advised airline operators to avail themselves of weather reports from NiMet for effective planning in their operations.

An Advisory Circular (AC) was also issued by the NCAA to all Pilots and Airline Operators.

The AC, with reference number AA-AEROMET-34, signed by the director general, NCAA, Capt. Musa Nuhu, was sequel to the Seasonal Climate Prediction (SCP) issued by NiMet, which reported that cessation of rainfall and weather associated with Dry Season in Nigeria from late December 2022 to March/April 2023.

The AC, which was initiated by the Directorate of Aerodrome and Airspace Standards (DAAS) addressed to all Pilots and Airline Operators, intended to alert pilots about the nature of weather associated with the dry season in Nigeria ranging from light/moderate to severe dust haze and sometimes early morning fog which can sometimes reduce the horizontal visibility to below the aerodromes operating minimal.

NCAA listed the effects of hazardous weather on flight operations to include, Air-to-ground visibility reduction due to haze dust or fog.

The Director General, NCAA said, “aerodrome visibility may fall below the prescribed operating minima and in severe conditions, dust haze can blot out runways, markers and airfield lightings over wide areas making visual navigation extremely difficult or impossible. Flights are bound to be delayed, diverted or cancelled where terminal visibility falls below the prescribed aerodrome operating minimally.”

The regulatory agency also emphasized that all pilots, operators and air traffic controllers are obliged to abide by these safety requirements from closure of the airspace by Air Traffic Controllers (ATC), when any of the conditions are observed or forecast by NIMET or to strictly adhere to published aerodrome weather minimal by flight crews, operators and ATC.

According to the statement, “Pilots, flight crew members shall obtain adequate departure, en-route and destination weather information and briefing from NiMet aerodrome meteorological Offices and Stations prior to flight operations and exercise maximum restraint whenever an adverse weather is observed.

“Operators shall ensure that all necessary measures are put in place to cushion the effects of delay or cancellations on their passengers while the authority urges all passengers to exercise patience and understanding during this period as their safety is of utmost importance, stakeholders should ensure strict compliance to this Advisory Circular as violations would be viewed seriously.”

However, NiMet latest weather advisory from its Central Forecast Office (CFO) specified that favourable conditions for Dust-Haze propagations into the nation will worsen horizontal visibility.

The Agency said, “Stations in Niger (Maine-Soroa, Goure, Maradi, N-guigmi, Diffa and 61091) and Chad (Ndjamena) have both persistently reported Dust-Haze with poor horizontal visibility. In the next few hours, strong winds at 800m will spread more dust into the country.

“Dust-Haze with poor horizontal visibility, strong winds at 800m are expected to transport the dust to the country, particularly the North and North-central regions in the next few hours.

“The day-time temperature (Max) over the country is expected to fall as a result of plume of dust and members of the public are expected to take necessary precautions due to dust particles presently in suspension over the atmosphere.”

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