NCAA signs Civil Aviation Masterplan with ICAO, Others
The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has signed the Civil Aviation Masterplan (CAMP) with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The Director General of Civil Aviation Nigeria, Captain Musa Nuhu, and ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Juan Carlos Salazar, signed the Civil Aviation Masterplan agreement during a recent visit by the DGCA to ICAO in Montreal, Canada.
A statement issued by the DG NCAA, Captain Musa Nuhu, Monday noted that the Masterplan, when implemented, will further unlock opportunities in the Nigerian aviation industry.
The DG NCAA, Captain Musa Nuhu said: “This is a major step in repositioning the nation’s aviation industry to attain its full potential and make significant contributions to the nation’s economic growth and development. All relevant stakeholders within and outside the aviation ecosystem will be involved in developing and implementing the CAMP.”
In a related development, the DG NCAA, Captain Musa Nuhu with his counterpart DG ANAC Benin Republic, Mr. Karl Legba, on the 3rd August 2023, also signed the Aeronautical Search and Rescue (SAR) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Nigeria and Benin Republic.
Captain Nuhu said at the signing event that: “this long overdue MoU will enhance the safety of flight operations in the region.
In the same vein, the SAR Agreements between Nigeria and Togo were signed at ANAC Togo headquarters, Lome, as the DG NCAA, Captain Musa Nuhu, and his Togolese counterpart, DG ANAC Togo, Col. Latta Gnama, signed on behalf of their countries.
Captain Nuhu disclosed that more SAR MoU with neighboring countries are expected to be signed within the next couple of weeks.