Reps reject lifting of suspension on Twitter in Nigeria

House of Representatives yesterday, rejected the lifting of the suspension placed on Twitter, social networking service, in Nigeria.

The representatives however asked the federal government to continue with the ongoing dialogue with the microblogging platform, to create room for amicable settlement on the matter.

While considering the report of its Committee on the issue on Thursday, the House said the federal government should always communicate to Nigerians whenever such critical decision would be taken.

The federal government of Nigeria had recently suspended the operation of Twitter in the country following allegations that it allows content capable of threatening the corporate existence of Nigeria.

Despite the suspension, some Nigerians have continued to access Twitter using the Virtual Private Network (VPN).

The House had mandated its Committees on Information, ICT, Intelligence, Justice and Orientation to investigate the circumstances of the suspension by the Federal Government on Nigeria.

Considering the report on Thursday, Toby Okechukwu, deputy minority leader of the House, suggested an amendment to one of the recommendations.

It states that “the Federal Government should take into cognizance the negative effect of the Twitter suspension on Nigerians who depend on the platform for their livelihood” and lift the suspension.

Formally supported by another member, the motion was rejected by the majority of the House when put to the vote.

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