‘Why You Need to Back Up all Your Data on the Mobile Cloud’
With the HUAWEI Mobile Cloud, you can manage all your contacts, this includes adding, editing and deleting all contact information.

You save everything on your mobile phone but what if you were to lose it? Would you still have access to your contacts, images, videos, and all other important data?
Why not save all your data on the HUAWEI Mobile Cloud – a data storage location that securely keeps and backs up all your sentimental and essential data, including your and contacts, recording and photos.
One of the great features of the HUAWEI Mobile Cloud is that it provides you with common data services, such as simultaneous updates on multiple devices, automatic data backup, space expansion, and space management.
Keep your contacts forever
While doing a sim swap is great, it is difficult to remember to save your contacts on your sim card, and not on your phone.
With the HUAWEI Mobile Cloud, you can manage all your contacts, this includes adding, editing and deleting all contact information.
No matter how many phones you may lose, or get stolen, you can ensure that you are always in touch with your loved ones, colleagues, Doctors, personal trainer, or your therapist. Fortunately for you, all the changes made to your contact lists will be automatically synchronized to your Huawei devices with data synchronization enabled.
When using a new device, you can instantly restore your data from cloud backup, making your data restore process easier and your data storage more secure.
Huawei Mobile Cloud Storage
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Continuous access to recordings
If you are a recording artist who wants to keep sample music, a journalist who interviews people, or a church goer who loves to record sermons, then you will be happy to know that the HUAWEI Mobile Cloud will keep your recording safe and maintain its quality.
As a journalist, for example, it’s great to be able to refer to something that was said in an interview, so you can report with truth and clarity. You can view and play your uploaded recordings on the ‘Recorder’ page of your HUAWEI Mobile Cloud.
For those who don’t always save on the cloud, you can enable cloud backup and your device will automatically save all data, every 7 days, through a Wi-Fi connection.
Reminisce on all your memories
Remembering all your milestones, including your child’s birthday and graduations, weddings and first-time adventures has never been easier. With HUAWEI Mobile Cloud, you can upload, edit and download all your photos and videos.
If by mistake, you happen to delete some of your special photos, this can easily be solved. You can restore recently deleted photos and videos. If you don’t want the photos at all, you can also permanently delete them.
Keeping a lifetime of contacts, recording and photos can seem like a lot, but worry not.
The HUAWEI Mobile Cloud has intelligent local data classification, to make your storage management clear and simple to navigate. You can also upgrade your cloud storage to up to 2048 GB.
Don’t lose the opportunity to save your data. You too can get the best of the HUAWEI Mobile Cloud, by setting it up on one of your Huawei devices today.